There is an array of Lords-and-ladiesĀ (Arum maculatum) out at the moment probably brought on by the wet weather. The ones opposite are in full view on Sal-Royd Road. Turn left after coming down Cleckheaton Road onto Sal-Royd Road and they…
Moth sightings pick up and so does the litter!
After a very poor spring for moths and migrant birds things are starting to improve. Today I found a new moth for our area, an Alder Moth at Caldene fields. Whilst the moth is widespread in the county albeit in…
A new fungi is found!
It was our work day on Saturday at Toad Holes Beck. Whilst some of the group were creating a dead hedge by the middle pond Claire and the rest of the group did a litter pick. And whilst litter picking…
People can make a difference!
For a while now I have been trying to address the problem on unresponsible dog owner either not picking up their dogs poo or picking it up and throwing it in the nearest bush at both Raw Nook NR &…
Workday magic!
Regular visitors to Toad Holes Beck will have noticed the excellent new steps and board walk which leads to the middle pond. This area whilst good for the Southern Marsh orchids is always muddy and difficult to walk along. A…
So near… yet so far!
Has we are aware the water in our wildlife pond at Raw Nook NR drains away unless there is content rain. Funding was secured and a company was employed to fix the problem in the summer. Unfortunately, this did not…
Certainly not board at Low Moor Banks…
Our good friend Peter Gurney YWT has certainly left a lasting legacy at Low Moor Banks. Firstly, it was his suggestion to give the name Low Moor Bank to the site, which was always referred to as ‘ The old…
End of an Era…
It was a sad day on Tuesday the 20/9/22 for Raw Nook, Bradford council’s first local nature reserve and our conservation group as it was the last day the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust would be involved in our urban nature reserve…
Some exciting news…
As we are all aware the pond at Raw Nook Nr has been leaking since about 2018. This has caused the pond to retain some water when it rains only for it to drain away within a few days if…
Make Hay while the rain pours.
Today Peter Gurney and his team from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust came down to Raw Nook NR to finish off cutting and raking the meadow and distributing Yellow Rattle seeds. Our group joined in with the first job been to rake…