After a very poor spring for moths and migrant birds things are starting to improve.
Today I found a new moth for our area, an Alder Moth at Caldene fields.
Whilst the moth is widespread in the county albeit in small numbers it is uncommon in south of the county.
Also yesterday I found a new daytime flying moth for Toad Holes Beck a Pyrausta aurata ( Mint Moth).
The moth is resident in some parts of our area but know I know it is in TH Beck as well.

Now some bad news and some very good news. During our work day we found someone had vandalised the info board. However, it has now been cleaned which is good news.
Regulars to the site will have noticed we have put rubbish bag at certain locations. This is until we get our council bins.
Thankfully these have been well used !!!! and when Claire and her mum did a litter pick they only brought a few items back.!! Which is GREAT NEWS and long may it continue!