This species lists will be updated as and when new species are recorded. Below are my records to date.
136 different species (including birds seen on visible migration) have been recorded to date. (28/09/2023)
Please note: No breeding status given
Bird List |
Common name |
Scientific name |
Local rarity level |
No |
Blackbird |
Turdus merula |
Common |
1 |
Blackcap |
Sylvia atricapilla |
Common |
2 |
Brambling |
Fringilla montifringilla |
Common |
3 |
Bullfinch |
Pyrrhula pyrrhula |
Common |
4 |
Bunting, Reed |
Emberiza schoeniclus |
Common |
5 |
Bunting, Snow |
Plectrophenax nivalis |
Rare Passage |
6 |
Buzzard, Common |
Buteo buteo |
Common |
7 |
Chaffinch |
Fringilla coelebs |
Common |
8 |
Chiffchaff |
Phylloscopus collybita |
Common |
9 |
Coot |
Fulica atra |
Common |
10 |
Cormorant |
Phalacrocorax carbo |
Passage |
11 |
Crossbill, Common |
Loxia curvirostra |
Passage |
12 |
Crow, Carrion |
Corvus corone |
Common |
13 |
Cuckoo |
Cuculus canorus |
Passage |
14 |
Curlew |
Numenius arquata |
Passage |
15 |
Dove, Collared |
Streptopelia decaocto |
Common |
16 |
Dove, Stock |
Columba oenas |
Common |
17 |
Duck, Mandarin |
Aix galericulata |
Rare |
18 |
Duck, Tufted |
Aythya fuligula |
Common |
19 |
Dunnock |
Prunella modularis |
Common |
20 |
Fieldfare |
Turdus pilaris |
Common |
21 |
Flycatcher, Pied |
Ficedula hypoleuca |
Rare |
22 |
Flycatcher, Spotted |
Muscicapa striata |
Uncommon |
23 |
Goldcrest |
Regulus regulus |
Common |
24 |
Goldeneye |
Bucephala clangula |
Rare |
25 |
Goldfinch |
Carduelis carduelis |
Common |
26 |
Goosander |
Mergus merganser |
Common |
27 |
Goose, Canada |
Branta canadensis |
Common |
28 |
Goose, Greylag |
Anser anser |
Common |
29 |
Goose, Pink-footed |
Anser brachyrhynchus |
Common |
30 |
Grebe, Little |
Tachybaptus ruficollis |
Common |
31 |
Greenfinch |
Chloris chloris |
Common |
32 |
Gull, Black-headed |
Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
Common |
33 |
Gull, Common |
Larus canus |
Common |
34 |
Gull, Great Black-backed |
Larus marinus |
Passage |
35 |
Gull, Herring |
Larus argentatus |
Common |
36 |
Gull, Lesser Black-backed |
Larus fuscus |
Common |
37 |
Gull, Mediterranean |
Ichthyaetus melanocephalus |
Rare |
38 |
Hawfinch |
Coccothraustes coccothraustes |
Passage |
39 |
Heron, Grey |
Ardea cinerea |
Common |
40 |
Jackdaw |
Coloeus monedula |
Common |
41 |
Jay |
Garrulus glandarius |
Common |
42 |
Kestrel, Common |
Falco tinnunculus |
Common |
43 |
Kingfisher, Common |
Alcedo atthis |
Common |
44 |
Kite, Red |
Milvus milvus |
Local |
45 |
Lapwing |
Vanellus vanellus |
Common |
46 |
Skylark |
Alauda arvensis |
Common |
47 |
Linnet |
Carduelis cannabina |
Common |
48 |
Magpie |
Pica pica |
Common |
49 |
Mallard |
Anas platyrhynchos |
Common |
50 |
Martin, House |
Delichon urbicum |
Common |
51 |
Martin, Sand |
Riparia riparia |
Passage |
52 |
Merganser, Red-breasted |
Mergus serrator |
Rare |
53 |
Moorhen |
Gallinula chloropus |
Common |
54 |
Nightingale |
Luscinia megarhynchos |
Rare |
55 |
Nightjar |
Caprimulgus europaeus |
Rare |
56 |
Ouzel, Ring |
Turdus torquatus |
Passage |
57 |
Owl, Little |
Athene noctua |
Common |
58 |
Owl, Short-eared |
Asio flammeus |
Rare |
59 |
Owl, Tawny |
Strix aluco |
Common |
60 |
Oystercatcher |
Haematopus ostralegus |
Rare |
61 |
Parakeet, Ring-necked |
Psittacula krameri |
Common |
62 |
Partridge, Grey |
Perdix perdix |
Rare |
63 |
Pheasant |
Phasianus colchicus |
Rare |
64 |
Pigeon, Feral/Dove, Rock |
Columba livia |
Common |
65 |
Pigeon, Wood |
Columba palumbus |
Common |
66 |
Pintail |
Anas acuta |
Passage |
67 |
Pipit, Meadow |
Anthus pratensis |
Common |
68 |
Pipit, Tree |
Anthus trivialis |
Uncommon |
69 |
Plover, Golden |
Pluvialis apricaria |
Common |
70 |
Pochard |
Aythya ferina |
Passage |
71 |
Quail |
Coturnix coturnix |
Rare |
72 |
Rail, Water |
Rallus aquaticus |
Common |
73 |
Redpoll, Common |
Carduelis flammea |
Local |
74 |
Redpoll, Lesser |
Carduelis cabaret |
Common |
75 |
Redshank, Common |
Tringa totanus |
Rare |
76 |
Redstart, Black |
Phoenicurus ochruros |
Rare |
77 |
Redstart, Common |
Phoenicurus phoenicurus |
Common |
78 |
Redwing |
Turdus iliacus |
Common |
79 |
Robin |
Erithacus rubecula |
Common |
80 |
Rook |
Corvus frugilegus |
Common |
81 |
Sandpiper, Common |
Actitis hypoleucos |
Rare |
82 |
Sandpiper, Green |
Tringa ochropus |
Rare |
83 |
Shag |
Phalacrocorax aristotelis |
Rare |
84 |
Shoveler |
Anas clypeata |
Passage |
85 |
Siskin |
Carduelis spinus |
Common |
86 |
Snipe, Common |
Gallinago gallinago |
Common |
87 |
Snipe, Jack |
Lymnocryptes minimus |
Rare |
89 |
Sparrow, Tree |
Passer montanus |
uncommon |
90 |
Sparrowhawk |
Accipiter nisus |
Common |
91 |
Starling |
Sturnus vulgaris |
Common |
92 |
Swallow |
Hirundo rustica |
Common |
93 |
Swan, Mute |
Cygnus olor |
Common |
94 |
Swan, Whooper |
Cygnus cygnus |
Passage |
95 |
Swift, Common |
Apus apus |
Common |
96 |
Teal |
Anas crecca |
Passage |
97 |
Tern, Common |
Sterna hirundo |
Passage |
98 |
Thrush, Mistle |
Turdus viscivorus |
Common |
99 |
Thrush, Song |
Turdus philomelos |
Common |
100 |
Tit, Blue |
Cyanistes caeruleus |
Common |
101 |
Tit, Coal |
Periparus ater |
Common |
102 |
Tit, Great |
Parus major |
Common |
103 |
Tit, Long-tailed |
Aegithalos caudatus |
Common |
104 |
Tit, Willow |
Poecile montanus |
Rare |
105 |
Wagtail, Grey |
Motacilla cinerea |
Common |
106 |
Wagtail, White |
Motacilla alba |
Passage |
107 |
Wagtail, Yellow |
Motacilla flava |
Passage |
108 |
Warbler, Garden |
Sylvia borin |
Passage |
109 |
Warbler, Grasshopper |
Locustella naevia |
Rare |
110 |
Warbler, Sedge |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus |
Common |
111 |
Warbler, Willow |
Phylloscopus trochilus |
Common |
112 |
Warbler, Wood |
Phylloscopus sibilatrix |
Passage |
113 |
Waxwing |
Bombycilla garrulus |
Uncommon |
114 |
Wheatear, Northern |
Oenanthe oenanthe |
Passage |
115 |
Whinchat |
Saxicola rubetra |
Passage |
116 |
Whitethroat, Common |
Sylvia communis |
Common |
117 |
Whitethroat, Lesser |
Sylvia curruca |
Common |
118 |
Wigeon |
Anas penelope |
Rare |
119 |
Woodcock |
Scolopax rusticola |
Local |
120 |
Woodpecker, Great Spotted |
Dendrocopos major |
Common |
121 |
Woodpecker, Green |
Picus viridis |
Rare |
122 |
Wren |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
Common |
123 |
Yellowhammer |
Emberiza citrinella |
Uncommon |
124 |
House Sparrow |
Passer domesticus |
Common |
125 |
Eurasian Treecreeper |
Certhia familiaris |
Common |
126 |
Peregrine Falcon |
Falco peregrinus |
Local |
127 |
Knot |
Calidris canutus |
Rare |
128 |
Nuthatch |
Sitta euroaea |
Local |
129 |
Little Egret |
Egretta garzetta |
Passage |
130 |
Gadwall |
Anus strepera |
Passage |
131 |
Grey Plover |
Pluvalis squatarola |
Passage |
132 |
Barnacle goose |
Branta leucopsis |
Passage |
133 |
Great White Egret |
Ardea alba |
Passage |
134 |
European Stonechat |
Saxicola torquata |
Common |
135 |
Some Examples of migrants found are: Nightingale, Quail, Black Redstart, Ring Ouzel, Short eared Owl, Green Sandpiper, Pied Flycatcher, Red breasted Merganser and Shag.
Birds seen whilst conducting Vismig but just outside my recording area include Gannet, Hobby. Studies over a number of years has revealed an Urban Migration route which runs through the site.
Because of this route over the years I have recorded some fairly uncommon passage birds for an urban area.
Bullfinch common in our recording area