
Maintaining the Lowland heath…

Saturday was our workday at Raw Nook LNR. Our task was to clear the Rosebay Willowherb and Bramble from the lowland heath habitat.

Even though we cleared the area last year it was becoming choked so it had to be cleared.

The day was very humid making the work even harder but after a few hours it was cleared.

Clare and Richard were both very eagle eyed as Clare found a moth a Dusky Footman which is a new species for the reserve as I have only recorded it at Caldene fields but never at Raw Nook LNR.

Then Richard spotted a movement in the heather which turned out to be a lovely common Toad…

You would think we had been working in TOAD holes Beck!

Red Kite and other sightings

Behind with my sightings recently due to work at home.

However, I had an excellent sighting of a Red Kite first seen over East Bierley cricket pitch on the 7/7 and the following day, probable the same bird circled Caldene fields before moving off north.

I found some interesting species in Raw Nook LNR on the 9/7 with a single Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis plant found in the meadow which is a site first.

In fact the meadow has a wide range of wildflowers at the moment including masses of Meadow Cranesbill and Musk Mallow.

Sadly only two butterflies species were seen which included the Ringlet and Meadow Brown

Also present is the now regular stunning Dark Mullein Plants Verbascum nigrum which is also in the meadow near to the young Aspen trees

Dark Mullein Plants Verbascum nigrum

Not Just One Bee BUT…

As regular readers will know my blog is about wildlife at Low Moor & Oakenshaw.

However, today I make an acceptation. Clare our chairperson for our conservation group was taking her dog for a walk in a field near to Abb Scott Lane when she came across a ‘ Once in a lifetime sighting!’ A large swarm of (probably) European Honey Bees which were attached to a fallen log. Clare stated they were there for 2 days before they left!

Coincidently I spoke to a bee keeper the other day who told me that swarming involves the queen and a percentage of the colony leaving the original hive, usually due to outgrowing their current space, to establish a new home elsewhere. It’s a great risk to the colony, however, doing so is a sign that they are healthy, well populated and have access to good amounts of nectar and pollen.

I’m sure it will be a sight Clare will never forget!

Last week I did a baseline bio-diversity survey for Natural England relating to the new land owed by Tiffin Sandwiches.

I took 2 Pheromone moth Lures down to the site to see if two uncommon moths were at the site the Red-tipped Clearwing & Lunar Hornet moth.

I was in for a bit of a surprise as both moths species were attracted to the lures.

Three male Red-Tipped clearwings (left) and two Lunar Hornet moths, which illustrates that both species ‘Maybe’ breeding at the site which is great news!

Nuthatches appear again!

This morning I heard and saw a pair of Nuthatches at Caldene fields.

This is probably the pair that visited our area last year. Both birds flew off low to the N.

Raw Nook LNR and Toad Holes Beck has not the right breeding habitat but I wonder about nearby Odsal Wood which is a broadleaf woodland with old mature trees and just the right habitat.

If anyone has any Nuthatch sightings in our area please let me know. Thank you

Spreading the joy with Tiffin Sandwiches

Today I had a meeting at Tiffin Sandwiches LTD Low Moor who have just bought the large pond and surrounding area adjacent to their premises and Toad Holes Beck a LWS (Local Wildlife Site)

Following the meeting I have nothing but praise for this forward thinking sustainable company.

I can confirm the land will be used only for nature in fact the company want to increase the bio-diversity even further with an additional planting scheme which I will be helping them with. They also want to work along side our conservation group the Low Moor & Oakenshaw Conservation Group which looks after TH Beck and Raw Nook LNR which is great news.

There was even further good news as the Bradford borne company want to embrace the local community as the site will eventually be open to the public with additional paths and litter/dog poo bins.

I have also put the company in touch with Bradford council’s bio-diversity officer and Natural England for their additional guidance and expert advice.


Visited Low Moor Banks yesterday in the rain but it was worth it as the Southern Marsh orchids were showing off!. I counted a total of 114 flowering orchids which is slightly down on last years count of 146.

Received a welcome email from Nicola who stated she had seen 2 Lesser whitethroat ( not a common bird in the Bradford area) on the Greenway on the 5/6. There has also been a male LW in Toad Holes Beck since early May singing from the same location. Both these sighting suggest possible breeding. It will be interesting to see if any juveniles appear later in the year.


Land at Toad Holes Beck is SAVED!


Remember the local press story of ”A GREEN oasis in the middle of a Bradford industrial estate has been sold at auction.”

The green space off Commondale Way, just off the Euroway Industrial Estate, sold for the guide price of £75,000 at a property auction on Wednesday to an unnamed buyer.

Well I received an email today from Tiffin Sandwiches at Commondale Way who I have been working with on a new wildlife garden at their factory, that they have bought the land for £75,000.

And the brilliant news is and I quote from their letter:

” I’m not sure if you have seen in the local news but the land behind our factory (woodland) came up for sale at auction. Luckily, we were successful and managed to purchase the land.

I would love your input in next steps with this land. I cannot stress this enough and feel I need to make our intent clear. We have no intention of building on this land. We want to clean the area up and have a proper green oasis attached to our business ensuring wildlife, greenery and the local ecosystem is protected for the future.

Top marks to the company for their green ethos and forward thinking!

Possible major threat to Toad Holes Beck…

We, the Low Moor & Oakenshaw Conservation group has been aware that this privately owned area which is directly adjacent to Toad Holes Beck was to be sold. Well the sale has been completed.

Until any information or proposals come forward from the new owners there is little we can do at this stage so this blog is to keep everyone in the loop.

Thankfully we have many important biological records for the Toad Holes Beck area however, the site is vulnerable and we must protect our bio-diversity.

The concern is the comment below: “The site may be suitable for a variety of uses subject to planning permission.”

Please see below (Taken from the T&A newspaper)

The lake in the centre of the green site off Commondale Way <i>(Image: T&A)</i>
The lake in the centre of the green site off Commondale Way (Image: T&A)

A GREEN oasis in the middle of a Bradford industrial estate has been sold at auction.

The green space off Commondale Way, just off the Euroway Industrial Estate, sold for the guide price of £75,000 at a property auction on Wednesday.

The eight-acre privately-owned site, which includes a bridleway and pond, went under the hammer at the Pugh online auction. The new owner of the site has not been disclosed.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The site off Commondale Way

The site off Commondale Way (Image: Newsquest)

The listing said: “A public bridleway runs along the eastern boundary to the site and a footpath skirts the western boundary. The land is currently accessible via two public footpaths from Commondale Way and Transperience Way.

“The site may be suitable for a variety of uses subject to planning permission.”

Exciting times at Low Moor Banks

I visited Low Moor Banks on Saturday mainly to look for any Lesser Whitethroats at the site, which sadly they weren’t.

However, as I was walking on one of the paths in the lovely sunshine I stopped as small dull butterfly landed on the path in front of me, my heart raced as I first thought it maybe a Grizzled Skipper!

On closer inspection I was wrong it was a Dingy Skipper still an excellent find and a site first! In fact I have never recorded the species anywhere in Bradford before.

The Status of this butterfly in Yorkshire is: Localised , increasingly rare!

It is far too early (Without more data) to suggest that there maybe a colony at the site but if anyone sees and photographs one please let me know.

The Southern Marsh Orchids are now starting to show at the usual spot at the site.

It will be interesting to see how many appear this year!

Trying to inspire others!

I have heard about planning applications that threaten a large well known wildlife site and all the conservation groups and the public rally round to protect the site.

This is brilliant…But what happens if it’s that small woodland or pond that you and a few other watch!

Well I have brought out a video of my experiences to help inspire others to RECORD THEIR WILDLIFE SIGHTINGS. should that day appear!

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