Land at Toad Holes Beck is SAVED!


Remember the local press story of ”A GREEN oasis in the middle of a Bradford industrial estate has been sold at auction.”

The green space off Commondale Way, just off the Euroway Industrial Estate, sold for the guide price of £75,000 at a property auction on Wednesday to an unnamed buyer.

Well I received an email today from Tiffin Sandwiches at Commondale Way who I have been working with on a new wildlife garden at their factory, that they have bought the land for £75,000.

And the brilliant news is and I quote from their letter:

” I’m not sure if you have seen in the local news but the land behind our factory (woodland) came up for sale at auction. Luckily, we were successful and managed to purchase the land.

I would love your input in next steps with this land. I cannot stress this enough and feel I need to make our intent clear. We have no intention of building on this land. We want to clean the area up and have a proper green oasis attached to our business ensuring wildlife, greenery and the local ecosystem is protected for the future.

Top marks to the company for their green ethos and forward thinking!

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