On Saturday we had our groups workday.
Readers may be aware that at Toad Holes Beck there is a wonderful large bank of Primroses. However, in Raw Nook LNR there is just a small patch of these valuable spring plants which are a good source of nectar for early pollinators.
So we carefully collected plants from TH Beck and brought them to R Nook so we could establish them in different areas of the site.
However, when arrived at RN armed with 3 buckets full of plants we bumped into a father and his little son Noah. Now young Noah loves nature and was looking for Tadpoles and bees. I explained to Noah and his dad what we were doing and asked if Noah would be interested in planting some plants to help the Bees.
He jumped into action and must have planted about 10 plants!
The good thing is Noah and his dad live nearby and now really want to get involved in helping THEIR wonderful environment !