Whilst waiting for the Six-belted Clearwing moths to arrive at Dealdburn road a few days ago I was drawn to a tiny insect on a blade of grass. As I took a couple of photos the insect jumped onto my hand.

I quickly realized the insect was a nymph Cricket Sp but no idea which. Research revealed a Long winged Conehead Bush cricket. I contact Orthoptera UK and they confirmed my sighting and stated that the species has only arrived in Yorkshire during the last few years and Dealburn road is a new site for the species…
Then today I visited the site again to try and attract the
Six-belted Clearwing moth but forgot the lure….I wonder if it’s age…However, bizarrely as I am near the bottom of the site a Banded Demoiselle Damselfly landed in front of me and moved off S/W…never recorded the species before in the Low Moor/Oakenshaw area…
I’ve only been there once as the hills don’t agree with my breathing but you’ve inspired me to have another walk up there. Thanks Martyn.