You may recall that as well as keeping bio-logical records for Raw Nook NR, Caldene fields and TH Beck I also survey and record at the old Low Moor tip site off Dealburn Road opposite the Bradford council’s recycle plant on Dealburn Road BD12 0RG.
It’s really interesting as I used to watch and record gulls with other birders when it was an active tip site in the nineties, and my heart would skip a beat if I found ( what was then ) a rare gull like an Iceland or a Glaucous…
After the tip closed I lost interest in the site until 2012 but by then the site had been transformed by nature and my visits soon made me realise what massive ecological potential the area had to offer.

I therefore started to survey, collate records and raise awareness of this south Bradford jewel all under the name of Dealburn Rd as there was no official name for the site.
However, now the site has a new name, which is Low Moor Banks… So I have amended all my records under the new site name.
Whilst myself and other suggested names for the site it was Peter Gurney, Community Nature Reserves Assistant from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust that came up with the most suitable name of Low Moor Banks…