An excellent watch today with a site first and two other good birds. Firstly a party of Crossbills came in low from the N and appeared to be landing at the watch point at Caldene fields before moving off S. Then a party of Redwings came in again from the N at a reasonable height followed by a Woodcock giving brilliant views !. It’s not uncommon to disturb Woodcock in the Raw Nook NR area in autumn. I have always thought these birds had move down from a local breeding site during the autumn/winter period. However, to have a genuine migrant bird moving through I’m not too sure!. Then around 09.30 as the rain and low cloud increased a ‘ Blast from the past ‘ ( As Yellowerhammer used to regular at CFs ) a low flying calling Yellowhammer came in from the S and moved N. Three reasonable sized parties of Fieldfare also came in from the N.
Looking N/E from Caldene fields.
Even though it was misty today the colours of autumn are beautiful this year.