Birstall Scout group meeting…

Yesterday I attended at the Birstall Scout groups meeting and gave a presentation to twenty 8 to 10 years old scouts on ‘ The importance of Insects ‘

I took along a moth trap, a Bee nesting box, observation vessels and various photos so it was a hands on experience for the audience of the next generation of wildlife enthusiasts.

When I asked the scout leader how long he wanted the talk to last ‘ About a hours fine ‘ I thought the children would be getting bored after half an hour.  But I was wrong their enthusiasm for the subject and their own wildlife experience’s like how they had built Insect Hotels was simply brilliant and I answered the final question at 8.30 meaning the talk lasted one and a half hours…

I was really pleased with the wildlife knowledge these children had and some of the questions they asked were beyond their years.  So to all at the scout group keep up the excellent work you are doing..

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