Shining the light on a new species…

Hands up..I’m not really a huge fan of spiders. However, I realise their importance within an environment and particularly in our own local ecosystem.

So I was certainly interested to record a new species of spider found in the moth light box on the 10/4 at Caldene fields

The Thick-jawed Orb Weaver Pachygnatha clercki (opposite) which is a common spider in the UK.

And thankfully it is well marked so fairly easy to identify.

Talking of the moth light box I had another surprise yesterday when I found a

rather large beetle….well very large.

A Black Sexton Beetle – Nicrophorus humator had somehow got into the box. I must admit I got a twig and let the beetle craw onto it before sending him/her on their way.

Regarding migrants 2 passage Willow Warblers were at Caldene fields on the 11/4. However, slightly worryingly I have not found any claiming territories at either Raw Nook NR or TH beck.

The beautiful Orange tip butterflies are showing off at the moment with 3 at TH Beck on the 11/3

Stuart Tordoff reported that he had seen a Swallow whilst walking on the Greenway but as yet I have not had a sighting of one. I will finish with a bizarre tale from David Rhodes at Oakenshaw who stated he had observed a Moorhen on a nest. As she got off the nest he saw that not only was she sat on eggs but….wait for it….a chicken bone!

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