The weather on the 19/10/21 the day of the Fungi walk at Raw Nook Nr was ideal! It was warm and damp like the previous few days. So expectations and excitement was high.

The annual Fungi walk which has been running for the last 3 years was conducted by Kat Woolley of he YWT. Whose knowledge and enthusiasm is simply brilliant
And for me, to hear Kat (who does Fungi walks all over the region) say ” I love coming to Raw Nook NR …it’s one of my favourite places! ” Illustrates the excellent work we are all doing on this excellent local nature reserve.
Sadly though for me I could only stop for an hour but Kat kindly sent me the record list of species she had found.
A total of 31 species were found of which 16 were site firsts…
The total number of Fungi species now recorded at Raw Nook NR is 84. A full species list can be found here

The list of new species found on the 19/10/2021
is below:
Variable Oysterling – Crepidotus variabilis
Soap-scented toadstool Tricholoma saponaceum,
Tricholoma saponaceum,
The Saffron Milkcap, Lactarius deliciosus
Verdigris agaric Stropharia aeruginosa
Lilac Dapperling Cystolepiota bucknallii An uncommon species
Fleecy Fibrecap Inocybe flocculosa
Golden waxcap hygrocybe chlorophana
The witch’s hat Hygrocybe conica
Earthy Powdercap Cystoderma amianthinum
Jellybaby Leotia lubrica
Yellowleg Bonnet Mycena epipterygia
Snapping Bonnet Mycena vitilis
Dripping Bonnet Mycena rorida
Amethyst deceiver Laccaria amethystina
Shaggy ink cap coprinus comatus
A Big thank you to Sarah and Peter from YWT for organising this event