Yesterday there was little vis-mig due to the blanket fog. The little bit I did produced 3 skeins of Pink-footed geese moving N/W I could hear them but couldn’t see them in the fog.
I then walked to Raw Nook NR where the recent rain has brought our pond back to life. And the first bird I saw was a lovely Kingfisher feeding!.
Today I walked to TH Beck and heard the Kingfisher calling at the small pond, so keep your eyes peeled for that lovely flash of blue!

On my way back I couldn’t help but noticed the aptly named Jelly Ear Fungus – Auricularia auricula-judae on a dead piece of Elder.
Interestingly you can see the dead black Jelly Ear fungus below with a burst of new growth above.
Four Bullfinches were showing well in a nearby Hawthorn tree.