You may recall that Peter Gurney from YWT put some nesting boxes up in both Raw Nook NR & Toad Holes Beck in the autumn of last year.
This morning as well as looking for spring migrants I checked the boxes to see if any were occupied.
Well the box on the Silver Birch tree just to the left off the main path, after the kissing gate ( opposite ) has a pair of Blue tits.
I stood back on the path and they didn’t mind although the male chased off a Great Tit that came a bit too close!
In TH Beck I think…I saw a Blue tit coming out of one of the bat boxes…
Relating to spring migrants. There were 3 Chiffchaffs in Raw Nook NR and 5 + 2 Blackcaps in TH Beck.
A pair of Moorhen are at the pond at RN which is still holding water and the pair of Canada Geese that were there yesterday have moved to TH Beck.
A pair of Goldcrest, the male in song were at their old nesting site the large conifers which have sadly been cut down, ( The council have been informed) Hopefully they will nest somewhere else on the reserve but those trees was an ideal habitat for them.