Yesterday I went to Low Moor Banks to do some recording work and look for any early Bee Orchids. Sadly I could not find any orchids but it is slightly early for this site so not too down hearted.

However, there were some surprises. Small Heath butterflies (opposite) were out in record numbers with a minimum count of 29 recorded!
Perhaps the biggest surprise ( given there is no water) on the site was a female Emperor dragonfly (A site first) hunting over the meadow.
I netted a Two-spot Ladybird which is also a site first.
Two new moth species were added to my moth list for the site a Ancylis badiana & a Grapholita Compostitella.
Talking of moths I used my Six-belted Clearwing lure at a large patch of Birds foot trefoil and attracted a single clearwing.

Three male Common Blue butterlies were on the wing but no females.
At least one pair of Common Whitethroat has bred at the site as I saw an adult with a juvenile.
Also a juvenile Willow Warbler was seen suggesting the species has also bred.
A total of 4 new species were added the Low Moor Banks species lists with a further 2 species needed further ID work.