On Tuesday the 18th of October it was our annual Fungi Walk at Raw Nook NR with our friends at YWT Sarah, Peter with Kat Woolley (YWT fungi expert) leading the walk. However, we had another guest expert joining us, Ian Forward from the Mid Yorkshire fungus Group..so basically a Dream Team!
The weather prior to the walk had been good for fungi so hearts were beating…
I explained to the group that our site list stood at 84 species of fungi so if the experts could find a further 16 new species that would be fantastic for our urban site.

Almost straight away in the meadow Verdigris Agaric – Stropharia aeruginosa was found which was a site first.
Further along excitement grow further when a Saffron Milkcap – Lactarius deliciosus (Below) was discovered.
In actual fact the meadow produced an array of fungi attributed to the excellent meadow maintenance work done by Peter from YWT according to Ian ( Fungi expert)

Moving on from the meadow we entered the wooded area of the reserve.
As well as learning as much as I could from the experts I was ‘Trying’ to keep a list of all the finds and it wasn’t long before there were squeals of excitement as new species like Clustered Domecap – Lyophyllum decastes, Elfin Saddle – Helvella lacunosa and the tiny but lovely Orange Bonnet Mycena acicula were found.

However, as the species list grow, there was a special moment that will last a long time not only in my mind but the excited experts as well.
Hawkeye ‘Jess’ suddenly let out a loud gasp which had us all scurrying to her location.
She had found the find of the day a Bird’s nest fungus Crucibulum leave by the fence near the railway line.
The walk started at 10.00 and should have finished around 13.00. Smiling faces were leaving at 15.00! But for me it was home to input the finds. And I got a surprise with 53 species identified of which 22 were new species which brings the total for our reserve to 106 species.
The full species list can be found here: http://www.lowmoorwildlife.co.uk/fungi/
Despite these excellent figures to have expert mycologists like Kat and Ian say comments like’ What an excellent site this is ‘ Well for our group…that’s the icing on the cake!
Many thanks to Kat Wooley, Ian Forward and ‘Hawkeye’ Jess for a brilliant day and helping to add 22 new species to our fungi list
I was very impressed with the excellent bag of fungi you achieved.
I have been looking for a local fungi hunt since September, but I have only just found your report. Last year I began to become interested in the vast array of fungi which exists and it would have been wonderful to have been there to broaden my experience.
If you do run anymore courses I would be delighted if you would let me know.
With kind regards from Sandra Stubbs
Hi Sandra
Sorry for the late reply.
We won’t be running another one this year. However, we will be running the same event next year around mid to late October. I will be posted the event on this website so keep an eye out and hope to see you then. Regards Martyn