Our good friend Peter Gurney YWT has certainly left a lasting legacy at Low Moor Banks. Firstly, it was his suggestion to give the name Low Moor Bank to the site, which was always referred to as ‘ The old tip site’. However, he has now installed a lovely new information notice board for the site.
In spring and summer, I would certainly recommend a visit to the site which is located on Dealburn Road, Low Moor Bradford BD12 0RG.
I keep wildlife records for the site however, I cannot get up there as often as I like as I am kept busy at Raw Nook NR & Toad Holes Beck. However, I have found some interesting finds like breeding Lesser Whitethroat, Six-belted Clearwing + Blackneck moths, breeding Small Heath butterflies and several species of Orchids. So if you do visit would you kindly pass any records on to me, please as sadly like a lot of places in south Bradford development is always a worry.
Just to finish I have been busy with vis-mig ( watching visible bird migration ) during the last few weeks with thrushes coming into the UK from Scandinavia and Wood Pigeon on their annual movement south. Here are a few special sightings viewed from the watch point:
19/10: 4,017 Fieldfare moving S + 906 Starling moving S/W
22/10: 2,497 Fieldfare moving S
25/10 11,637 Wood Pigeon moving S