Yesterday I met up with Peter, Sarah and the rest of their team from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. In a way it was a bitter sweet day in that Peter had noticed that one of the Wych Elm at Raw Nook NR had Dutch elm disease which is caused by the fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi which is spread by the elm bark beetle. Sadly because the disease kills the tree it had to be taken down.

So the 32 year old Wych Elm fell to the ground. However, the wood was cut up but not wasted as Sarah and Gillian got their creative heads on making various things.

tree’s transport tissues, which will eventually kill the tree
The remaining wood has been left to nature and the invertebrates. Peter had also brought two new Elms to plant on the reserve another Wych and a Field Elm Ulmus minor which we do not have on site. And yes ! I will be recorded that as a new species for the reserve..ha

So once the Elm tree was sorted out it was on to other jobs. Which included taking a couple of Silver birch tree out to let more light onto the woodland floor.
The cut down trees have been left where they fell which will provide valuable habitats for various wildlife and insects.

We also took out a good number of young Silver Birch sapling from the heathland area to help protect from encroachment.
Whilst Bramble is excellent for wildlife in can soon get out of hand especially in the heathland. So there was an excellent job in methodically cutting back the Bramble.
So all in all it was a very good day made even better for us all when in the afternoon a flock of 102 calling Pink-footed geese came in from the E and moved low to the S/W.
A big thank you to Sarah, Peter and volunteers from the YWT for all your hard work and time.