It’s been a busy few days at the watch point at Caldene fields. Favourable weather conditions allowed winter thrushes to take advantage and arrive in the UK on mass. The influx started here on the 13/10 with 515 Fieldfare and 193 Redwings observed moving through our area and beyond.
The following day Redwings were noted coming in from the S and moving N many well east of the watch point.
Yesterday’s totals
Passage carried on again today with birds moving N. Redwings were the most evident with the majority of birds moving again to the east of the watch point, 2,997 in total with just 215 Fieldfare noted.
Caught in these movement are Song Thrushes and Blackbirds but in much smaller numbers. A small number of Skylarks and Chaffinch have also been involved in this influx again moving N.
Lastly there was an excellent movement of incoming Pink footed geese high in the sky moving S/E around 10.15 seven skeins were observed and a total of 1660 was noted.
Whilst it might be a busy time I still have time to admire the wonderful autumn colours at the watch point….and not only for any possible migrant birds! ha