Yesterday I received a very interesting email about a report of an Osprey that had been seen flying north over Caldene Avenue on 7/5/. Later in the day on the 7th a third party report came in of another Osprey sighting in Silsden heading north towards Skipton. Could it have been the same bird?
I asked Mark a birder from Wyke if he has anymore information relating to these sighting. If anyone else has any information about the possible Low Moor bird please let me know. Thank you.
There was some good news from TH Beck. On 7/5 I thought I heard a Sedge Warbler in very brief song at the same location I found the bird on the 3/5. However, today I can confirmed the Sedge Warbler is still at the very same location. Hmm…probably the warbler has been there for 6 days now, suggesting a possibly of first time breeding…Fingers crossed!
The first pair of Canada geese have successful family at TH Beck.
Four Swifts (First of the year) flew S/W and 5 Swallow N/W over Caldene fields this morning.
Good evening I have come looking to see if anyone may have spotted an Osprey over BD12 Low Moor area, as I believe I saw one yesterday high over horsefall playing fields
Hi Sheena
Thank you for your email.
I have not heard about any Osprey sightings in the Low Moor area and it’s not really migration time so they won’t be returning till about September time.
What is about at the moment are a number of Common Buzzards which to the naked eye and at distance could be mistaken for an Osprey.
Did you view it through binoculars.
Kind regards