
Today at Toad Holes Beck I heard the call of a Nuthatch. This is the third report now of the rare species to our area. The first brief view was of a bird in my garden during August.

The bird must be feeding well and liking the habitat in our area lets hope like the recent arrival of the Tree Creeper that now breeds in Toad Holes Beck the Nuthatch finds a mate and well…let’s nature take it course!

Any sightings of our guest in our area please let me know, Thank you.

4 thoughts on “Nuthatch…again

  1. Abi

    I thought I saw a nuthatch last week in the trees adjacent to Caldene Fields, where it slopes steeply up to the top field with many horses and goats on. At the bottom of the slope I am pretty sure I saw a nuthatch

  2. Barbara Rogers

    The Nuthatch comes every day to feed in our garden. We have a big rowan tree, covered in ivy in the back garden ( Dyehouse Rd) which seems to be the base for up to 30 goldfinches a few greenfinches , woodpecker etc. We put out sunflower hearts, peanuts & seed.

    1. warbler26 Post author

      Hi Barbara
      Thank you for your sighting.
      That’s great news it comes everyday!. Looks like, if it has a regular food source it will stop for the winter. Jealous…trying in my garden in Low Moor but no luck as yet.
      Many thanks

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