Yesterday at the dried up pond at Raw Nook NR I noticed a lovely pinkish flower growing amongst the sedges.
Now I was aware that our colleagues at the YWT had planted some native species at Toad Holes Beck but I believe that this beauty which is a Purple Loosestrife has found it’s way to our reserve by nature’s own methods.
So the Purple Loosestrife is a new species for my records for the site.
I then walked into nearby TH Beck with the intention of viewing the area on the right hand side opposite the smaller pond where last year some native species were planted.
However, just as I was approaching I saw a lovely Emperor Dragonfly patrolling an area of meadow and catching insects on the wing.

When I got to the area I saw a Small Copper butterfly alighting from a lovely Hemp agrimony plant. A further search revealed a further four plants.
Nearer to the path is the now well established Common fleabane which has really developed.
Now both of these plants have been planted by the YWT which is great news. However, both have never been recorded on the site before.
So with conservation in mind I have added both new species to the TH Beck plant species list as new finds.
Well if it help to protect the site….
I also found a further single Purple Loosestrife Sp on the other side of the path near to the pond which was again a new species!