I have been thinking has this mild winter period had any effects on the bird species in our recording area. So today with the weather sunny with a fairly strong S/W wind and a temperature of 10c I decided to conduct a bird species count as well as to look for signs of how plant species were adapting. It wasn’t long before I saw at Caldene Fields a Meadow Buttercup still in flower on the 20th od December!!! when really the species should be dormant by October/November.
Then just inside Raw Nook NR I found a Red Campion in flower which like the Buttercup should have finished by October/November. Further in the site the Honeysuckle I found to be bursting with new shoots..
Red Campion still in flower New shoots bursting through on Honeysuckle
A total 29 species bird species were recorded of which the Coot was the most interesting in that there are 4 at Toad Holes Beck at the moment but during a normal winter the birds leave the site and I believe over winter at nearby Harold Park lake. No Redwings, Fieldfares, Coal Tits or Greenfinches were noted but because the fields are so wet the site as attracted 9+ Pied wagtails.