Good News from THB..

A bit of good news from Toad Holes Beck in the form of a Lesser Whitethroat a fairly uncommon bird in the Bradford area.

A male has been in full song at the site since the 5/5. This is interesting as usually a male in spring tends to spend only a couple of days trying to attract a mate before moving on.

The species bred at THB annually about twenty years ago but nothing since. Fingers crossed!

Some more good news came from the site today when I found a Brown Silver-line moth ( A fairly common moth) which is a new species for the site

2 thoughts on “Good News from THB..

  1. Nicola

    I saw 2 Lesser whitethroats on the greenway about 2 weeks ago. The Merlin app identified them and we were lucky enough to watch them on the embankment.

    1. warbler26 Post author

      Hi Nicola
      Your Lesser Whitethroat is great news!. What is interesting is I have suspected breeding at nearby Toad Holes Beck as a male has been singing there at the same hedgerow since early May. I will put your sighting the website.
      Thank you.

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