Some may have noticed the orangey spots on some of the logs by the seating area in Raw Nook NR.
The fungi is called Coral Spot and at the moment in is this area there is a excellent display of the fungi with many of the fallen twigs and small branches covered in the fungi.
With the mild weather at the moment I noticed a good number of birds calling or in song at the site
There were at least 3 Robins, a single Coat Tit, Blue and Great Tits and a Mistle Thrush all been confused by the mild temperatures.
A walk into TH Beck brought me to what I call the Jelly Ear tree!!!. The reason is it has to be the most reliable place to find the very strange Jelly Ear fungi.
To see and have a feel (which is a must!) of this strange fungi head towards the information board at the site and start to walk with the wall on your left as if you are heading towards Dyehouse road. The broken Elder tree with the fungi on it is just on the over side of the wall only a few yards from the information board.