Exciting news…

Last night at Caldene fields I noticed a large gathering of Swallows overhead.  At this time of year Swallow gather at dusk in swarms and roost together in reeds etc.  Over 30 years ago this was a regular event in our area and the birds roosted in Toad Holes Beck but the species has declined since then.

I estimated the gathering to be around 800+ which strongly suggests the species may have had a very good breeding season .  I then went to TH Beck to see if the birds were going to roost there but they didn’t.  However, they roosted somewhere nearby possibly at the pond off Mill Carr Hill but that’s only a guess.

Whilst watching the Swallow I noticed in good light a large bat flying over the tree tops…it was a Noctule bat.  I have not record the species at the site before my only previous record was of a single in day light at Caldene fields

2 thoughts on “Exciting news…

  1. Jonathan Blakeley

    Hi Martyn, I hope you dont mind me contacting you, I have been given your details by David Rhodes. I am a member of the residents association along with David but im also a keen scout leader for the Birstall group.

    This Tue the 16th we are doing about insects and will be making insect houses. We would love to have someone come along who could do a short speach about just how important insects are etc. The cubs meeting starts at 19:00 until 20:30. Could you possibly spare half an hour at the start of the meeting as it would be great for the children to hear from someone who knows what they are talking about.


    1. warbler26 Post author

      Hi Jonathan
      Sorry for the delay in replying and missing Tuesday’s meeting. If you have another meeting on insects or local wildlife etc I would be happy to come up and give a short talk.
      If you want to contact me use mvi.priestley@blueyonder.co.uk

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