I have always wanted to be more knowledgeable about what species of bees frequent our recording area but my bee ID skills I have to rate as below average…. But today I thought I would make a start and managed to ID 3 species……I THINK! these were the Red-tailed bumblebee, Early bumblebee and the Buff tailed bumblebee. ANY BEE EXPERTS OUT THERE, I WOULD BE HAPPY FOR ANY HELP OR SEND PHOTHS FOR ID……
Also of interest were 4 Orange Tip butterflies, first fair count of the species whereas Vic who watches the Tong area told me that Orange Tips have been very common there.
A pair of Wrens were feeding juvs at Raw Nook NR, A family party of Long Tailed Tits were at Toad Holes Beck and a female Great Tit was feeding young at Caldene Fields.