2014 Bird Report!

For an ornithological perspective it has been an average year in our catchment area.  A total of 73 different species were recorded and approximately 28 species bred or thought to have bred in our area.

Numbers of visible migrants observed were fairly low with no record counts of winter Thrushes or Wood Pigeons noted this year despite record counts of Wood Pigeon and Thrushes recorded elsewhere in the UK. To illustrate this point observations hours in 2014 were 129.8 hours and a total of 65,357 birds were recorded. In 2013, 115.25 hours of observations  were made and a total of 91,892 birds were observed.

19255The highest counts were: Redwings 7,005 on 31/10/14,

Fieldfare 3,936 on 31/10/2014 and Wood Pigeon 9,927 on 22/10/14.  The highlights for visible migration were: A hawfinch on 9/10/14, Green Sandpiper on 25/10, an influx of Jays noted in late September with 23 seen on the 23/9/14.  To date I have recorded 85 different species passing through our area.

It appears we may have lost the Little Grebe at Toad Holes Beck the reason is unclear.  Lesser Whitethroat did not bred again however, I am convinced this is due to habitat changes at Toad Hole Beck and I will bring this issue up with our group and Bradford Council.

On a brighter note Tree Sparrows were recorded both on passage and with local House Sparrows at Caldene Fields in early November and it is hoped that more birds will be seen in 2015.  A pair of Swallows successfully bred at Caldene Fields for the first time for many years and a Water Rail has reappeared at Toad Holes Beck for the third winter running.


Busy at Toad Holes Beck

My forecast for 2015 is a record of a Little Egret possibly feeding or moving over Caldene Fields as I have recorded 2 birds during the last two years the latest been quite near as it flew S/W over Wyke.

Just outside our area came the excellent news that the Common Buzzard bred for the first time in Bradford south so I expect more sighting of birds as they search for food over our area.

Checklist for 2014

Species Status Species Status
Cormorant Passage Blackbird Resident
Grey Heron Common Visitor Fieldfare Winter visitor
Mute Swan Passage Redwing Winter visitor
Pink-footed Goose Passage Mistle thrush Resident
Grey Gag Goose Passage Song thrush Resident
Canada Goose Common Visitor Lesser Whitethroat Uncommon Visitor
Mallard Resident Common Whitethroat Visitor
Tufted Duck Winter visitor Blackcap Summer resident
Goosander Passage Willow Warbler Summer resident
Sparrow Hawk Resident Chiffchaff Summer resident
Kestrel Visitor Sedge Warbler Uncommon Passage
Water Rail Winter visitor Coal Tit Resident
Moorhen Resident Blue Tit Resident
Coot Resident leave Winter Great Tit Resident
Green Sandpiper Rare LT Tit Resident
Lapwing Passage Tree Creeper Rare
Black Headed Gull Common Visitor Starling Resident
Common Gull Common Visitor Magpie Resident
Herring Gull Passage Jackdaw Resident
LBB Gull Passage Carrion Crow Resident
Wood Pigeon Resident Rook Passage
Collard Dove Resident House Sparrow Resident
Tawny Owl Visitor Tree Sparrow Rare
Kingfisher Winter visitor Brambling Uncommon Winter
Great Spotted Pecker Resident Chaffinch Resident
Skylark Passage Hawfinch Rare passage
Swallow Summer resident Greenfinch Resident
House Martin Summer resident Bullfinch Resident
Meadow Pipit Common Visitor Siskin Winter visitor
Pied wagtail Passage/C Visitor Lesser redpoll Regular Visitor
Grey wagtail Passage/C Visitor Linnet Regular Visitor
Dunnock Resident Goldfinch Resident
Robin Resident Jay Resident
C Wheatear Passage Common Snipe Winter visitor
Wren Resident Reed Bunting Uncommon visitor
Goldcrest Winter visitor Stock Dove Resident
Swift Resident Summer    

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