David Campbell is the Biodiversity Officer for Bradford MDC.
However, he has never really met our group the Low Moor & Oakenshaw conservation.
So on the 6th of June myself and Clare (Our chairperson) met him at the entrance of Raw Nook NR.
Our aim was to give him a guided tour of RN & Toad Holes Beck and explain the conservation work we do.
I was hoping that the weather would be sunny and warm so I could ‘Show off’ the array of biodiversity we have in our recording areas. However, it was dull and cold! so there was very little about.
When we arrived in TH Beck David picked up a brief song! And sure enough it was a Sedge Warbler giving an intermittent song by the pond. My thoughts (given the late date) at last have we finally got a breeding Sedge!. However, the singing male was mobile suggesting a possible non-breeding male.
If anyone has any sightings of this bird please contact me.
So it was lovely to met David and explain about the work we do and the biodiversity we have….Well when it’s warm and sunny that is!