A swarm of BEES arrive at Raw Nook Nr…

On Friday 23/2 there was a woodland management workday at Raw Nook Nr involving Bradford council and BEES.

I firstly met Danny Jackson ( Bradford Council ) Countryside and Rights of Way manager and his team on site to discuss which trees we would like removing.  The reason a small number of trees were felled was to allow more light onto the ground which will significantly enhance the habitat for woodland plants and wildlife.

The team did an excellent job! and in addition we all stacked the logs and brushwood into piles which have created excellent nesting opportunities for Robins, Wren and Dunnocks.  But more importantly a large open area has now been established.  The intention now for this area is to put down some wildflower seeds and fingers crossed in summer there will be an array of butterflies, moths and other invertebrates all taking advantage of the new nectar rich habitat.

I will monitor the progress of this area and update.

Around 10.30 the BEES (Bradford Environmental Education Services) swarmed in…(sorry couldn’t resist that!) and were volunteering their services to help our groups ongoing work to clear the Silver Birch saplings which have encroached into the heathland.

After a briefing with Claire,Richard and Bill ( Of the Low Moor & Oakenshaw conservation group) the BEES set to work…and by did they work..

Large sways of ground was cleared, which will encourage new Heather Calluna Vulgaris to grow which in will turn will increase biodiversity of the area. Again the larger saplings were stacked together forming good potential nest sites for Robins and Thrushes.  

Silver birches cut down and waiting to be permanently removed with the use of a Mattock.

So the day finished around 15.30 and everyone had worked hard and there was a satisfying sense of environmental achievement in the air…And for me as well…I was really impressed with the BEES lunch…I went home for a sandwich….

But they came well prepared..and what a setting!


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